that space …

we have all lost someone in our lives

some of us have lost many people in our lives

it’s not a small thing, it is not insignificant, it will never be insignificant

everyone we have lost leaves a space, a gap, or a gaping chasm that will never be filled, never replaced, by anything – and that’s ok, no matter how much that loss hurts

the space they leave is a measure of how much they were to us, how important they were to us, and how much we loved them, and how much they loved us

that space they leave will never be filled by anything else – and that’s ok

i wrote this on the spur of the moment, untitled, on facebook in response to yet another passing of a parent of three (siblings) of my childhood friends. to me it was born of the awkwardness of how people, well meaning, try to rationalise, normalise or sometimes minimise the passing of a loved one. as if we should move on or get over it. of course we move on, we have no choice – but we will never get over it, and thats ok. the reasons might be good or might not, but memories are important to us in so many ways …